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  1. Find a page belonging to the extension you want to disable. You'll need your extension's 32-character ID to continue. If you're trying to bypass stuff, try finding it in a filter extension ID list. For further help, check the help section. Once you have the extension ID, you'll be guaranteed to get to a working chrome-extension:// page by visiting the manifest file: (with your extension's ID substituted in, of course)


    Some extensions' pages are much easier to access directly (like their options or block pages). All that's important is that you open a page belonging to the extension you want to disable.

  2. Bookmark the extension page (bookmark A) if you wish. Then, bookmark chrome://kill (bookmark B) and chrome://hang (bookmark C).
  3. While on the extension page (A), click the chrome://kill bookmark (B). The page should crash. You should already have the next step prepared.
  4. Immediately begin spamming chrome://hang (bookmark C) and quickly reload the page while spamming using the refresh key on your keyboard (or less ideally, Ctrl+R). You should have reloaded within one or two seconds of killing the page.

Alternate Method #1

(Easier, doesn't support all extensions)

If you are unable to visit the extension page (bookmark A) after trying the exploit, then LTMEAT worked and the extension you disabled will be dead! Please read the help section if you had an issue (for example, if no sites seem to load). You can restore extensions by signing out and back into your Chromebook.