ading2210 (vk6#7391)

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Creates iframes of an extension page continuously to automate refreshing the extension.

Based on the LTMEAT exploit that was found by Bypassi#7037, a related exploit that freezes admin-installed extensions with debug URLs.


  1. Navigate to chrome://extensions in a new tab.
  2. Navigate to the settings page for the extension you want to disable.
  3. On Dextensify, click the button for the extension you want to freeze.
  4. Immediately switch back to the chrome://extensions tab.
  5. Spam the Allow access to file URLs switch for a few seconds. The extension should begin to freeze.
For the frozen state to persist, flip the Allow access to file URLs switch again every few minutes, if webpages start getting blocked again, or if the extension begins to function again automatically by itself.

You may also need to return to the tab that Dextensify is running in every once in a while to prevent an unavoidable memory leak from crashing the entire system.

During this process, your Chromebook may hang momentarily. This is normal, and it should resolve itself after a few seconds.

If you want support for a specific extension added, please make an issue on the GitHub repository, and provide the extension ID and manifest.

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