dragon73101 (Potato)
Website GitHub Discord Source Blocks requests for updates and certain extensions, and allows users to set custom name servers.
This DNS server is configured to internet networks by importing an ONC file.
ONC Setup
- Navigate to chrome://network#state.
- Locate the section for the Wi-Fi network that is currently connected.
- Expand the section by clicking the plus (+) button.
- Select all the text within the expanded part of the entire section.
- Copy the selection from the context menu or by pressing Ctrl + C.
- Navigate to a cauDNS page.
- Paste the copied text into the textbox input field by pressing Ctrl + V.
- Click the button to export the ONC file.ONC created successfully
Name Servers
If cauDNS is configured on the current network with an ONC file, you can set custom name servers for it. This can be used to simulate DNS server configuration on a managed network.